



Conflict Mineral Policy

Section 1502 of the Dodd Frank Act requires all SEC filing companies to identify the source country of any Conflict Minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold; collectively known as 3TG) used in products that they manufacture. Although we are not SEC filing companies, we regard the environment and human rights in the conflict areas as a serious ethical issue. We prohibit the use of conflict minerals that are mined by unethical means in the conflict zones in 10 countries, including Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries. To achieve this, we have established a conflict minerals policy and management process to keep the conflict minerals from being added to the special steel and large forged products we produce.

Hazardous Material /RoHS Compliant Policy

We prioritize environmental responsibility and safety. To achieve our priority, we implemented a hazardous material management policy and comply with RoHS regulations to ensure our manufactured products are safe for both our customers and environment. Our hazardous material management policy includes measures to reuse, reduce, and recycle materials to minimize our environmental impact. We have also implemented strict guidelines for the handling and disposal of hazardous materials to protect the health and safety of our employees and the community. Additionally, we comply with RoHS regulations, which prohibit the use of certain hazardous substances in our products This ensures that our products are free from hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can harm both environment and human health.

Anti-Counterfeit Policy

Counterfeit products not only pose a significant risk to our customers but also damage our reputation as a genuine manufacturing company. With the increasing prevalence of counterfeit products in the market, we understand the importance of implementing measures to prevent the production using counterfeit components. To achieve this, we have established a comprehensive anti-counterfeit policy to prevent counterfeit parts from being used in our products. All engineering and purchasing staff involved in specifying and/or purchasing parts follow the policy, and we have enhanced the product authentication and monitoring of our supply chain processes.